The East

To the East

Lorient is a coastal city established in the 17th century in western France. L'Orient means 'east' in French, which symbolizes people's desire towards the East, the unseen world. The East was seen as the new frontier to search for new culture, beauty, and goods. When the sun sets in the west, the western sea glittered with silk and spices on the boats from the East. The exotic goods from the East naturally further contributed to their vivid imagination. To appease the craving towards the unseen and untouchable world that is the East, they named their city Lorient, symbolizing their earnest desire.

From the East

The renaissance sparked a new light transitioning from the dark ages prior. There was a desire towards a better life fueled by philosophical ideologies, longing for knowledge, and freedom of artistic expression. However, these movements were often too metaphysical, and only conceptual for people to believe and think of. While these metaphysical trends slowly lost influence, tangible goods from the East were fascinating and introduced people to a new type of beauty; one that you can see, touch, smell, taste and even hear. As more people experienced such new and valuable treasures from the East, it came to symbolize new hope and expanding horizons.


This is the story of Lorient we wish to represent through our product with sincerity: Lorient, an unforgettable experience of beauty for everyone to have.

Ars and

Ars, Latin for 'art', originates from Techne, Greek for 'technology'. Therefore, art and technology are fundamentally inseparable.

Art and Technology

Like its etymology, art and technology are interdependent and complimentary. However, from some time the two have developed separately. The industrial revolution-style division of labor in which art is born from an artist and technology from an engineer has made Leonardo da Vinci's fusion of technology and art hard to find for a while. However, coming into modern day, technological breakthroughs began to influence art once again. With the advancement of technology, new expressions of art have become possible in different forms such as media art, kinetic art and interactive art for example.

Technology and Completeness

Art developed in modern times are technology-dependent, and sometimes technology on its own becomes an Art. To fully realize an artists' ideas and imagination, it is crucial for the technology behind it to be complete. Technical completeness starts from the very basic instruments they use. From metal engineering for sharp burin to semiconductor's integration for digital art, technical completeness has great influence on artists' expressions and their work. Artists sometimes express themselves with full knowledge of the technology behind their work yet other times may be unaware of the hidden technologies that complete their piece. Even new types of technology in itself could be presented as an artwork.

Technology to Art

Lorient is born from the techniques of our own engineering to cater to doctors, scientists, and artists as well. The technology behind Lorient is complex to stick to the fundamentals of what a filler should be. Lorient is a tool that is easy to use, works as intended, and provides a beautiful experience to its users. Lorient enables the expressions of art to be completed with the support of excellent technology. That is what Lorient is and will always strive to be. We will continue to develop our technology and improve the tools artists can use in their pursuit to create their masterpiece.